A few weeks fishing

Fishing on a boat for a two weeks sounded like my husband’s idea of heaven.  Getting to spend two weeks with one of my closest friends sounded better to me.  We high-tailed it to Exmouth from The Kimberley.


We were going to spend longer working in The Kimberley.  It just didn’t work out.  We were told something quite different to what was there.   Accommodation was such a massive issue that I don’t even know where to start…$950 a week would get you a two-bedroom falling apart rental house.


Any how, we wanted to get to Exmouth as quickly as we could and travelled over 1000km in two days to get to where my cousin and his wife where camped for six weeks.  They’d driven their Mitsubishi up four weeks previously. We joined them for the last two weeks they were there.

Travel blog fishing

Jarrad went out fishing with them on the boat most days.  Jarrad is so great at fishing that while we were in The Kimberley the Fisheries officer laughed at him for his technique, saying “Well, I know I don’t need to check if you’re over quota.”  (Apparently you shouldn’t put things called a sinker and a lure on the same line.) Note from Jarrad. Quiet you.

Travel blog fishing

Despite this, the second day that we were there he managed to catch a shark.  The thing was over 6 foot long, and Jarrad spent nearly an hour trying to reel it in … before the line snapped and it swam away.  The next day … he managed to hook another shark and spent nearly an hour wrestling to bring it in … before the line snapped and it swam away.

Then he hooked a shark a third time … but after another hour’s struggle he finally brought it in to the boat.

Travel blog fishing

Travel blog fishing

After his hat trick with hooking sharks, he managed to catch a stripy tuna and a spanish mackerel.

Travel blog fishing

Travel blog fishing

The yellow-fin tuna that my cousin caught while Jarrad was driving the boat one morning was beautiful. We enjoyed sashimi and sushi that night and ate like kings. though the kids declined raw tuna and had only ratatouille.


We drove down to the National Park to look at the Ningaloo Reef, but the kids were really keen on fishing rather than going for a walk.

The jetty around Exmouth were beautiful, and Jarrad spent the day fishing on the jetty with the kids, who also spent time playing in the sand.  Me?  I sat in the campervan working online.  I love having the online job … but the cliche was being able to work at the beach is not always so fantastic.

Travel blog fishing

And a final pic of a sunrise that I loved.

Travel blog fishing

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  1. I loved Exmouth, although we didn’t spend nearly enough time there {only 3 days} as we had to get moving to some work we had lined up.

    • Amy
      Twitter: livinontheroad

      We were a bit rushed when we left for the same reason. We had two weeks to get from Exmouth to Geraldton for work, and we wanted to go past Karijini National Park. It is a limitation when you have to travel 1000 km to get to the next place you are going to work!

      • You have all but been in the same area as us then. We have been on a station 90km before Parabadoo working for the last 3.5 weeks. That said we are get to get to Karijini but we plan to once we finish at the next station {as we will head south through the middle}

        • Amy
          Twitter: livinontheroad

          Oh wow, that sounds fantastic. I keep thinking that I’d like to try the station thing … but then when we stop to work we can always do so much better working in our trade/profession. How has it gone doing the station thing with kids?

  2. Mel
    Twitter: mel_mccall

    G’day Amy and family,
    firstly, I want to express my deepest possible amount of jealousy lol…just kidding, but maybe abit jealous. I am looking at traveling whilst working around Australia and would love to ask you a couple of questions. Firstly, do you think there would be any issues with 2 females doing it by themselves. I have heard so many stories about terrible things happening. Personally I think people are making the stories up, put would like your opinion. Also, other than hands on work, which I am all for, what other ways, internet, ect, have you found to be beneficial? So far I have done small interstate trips for upto 2 weeks. However my last trip from Melbourne to Marla via the Oodnadatta track has really left me with the touring bug.



  3. Spent time in Exmouth. Its a great fishing spot

  4. Nice summary,
    FISHING, is a really interesting game. I like fishing on fishing beaches & various place. I did fishing in Miami last time & it was a nice fishing tour.

  5. Well, I can definitely say that this is one of the best experiences you can ever have. Sharing time like this, is always a great thing, and I admire the ideas that have come to you. I wonder if you are planning to go through more such trips soon. I personally would love to hear your insights about them as well. Keep up blogging, you have a great style, and it is evident that you definitely have a lot of things to share with us. You rock!

  6. sharks – new shark species found


  7. Lee
    Twitter: leejbelcher

    It looks like your husband caught quite a few nice fish. While I enjoy fishing I usually only go for no more than 3 nights at a time as after that I’ve had enough. But with that said it’s probably a lot nicer in australia compared to here in England.

    I have always wanted to visit but just never got the free time, maybe one day!

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